Quote Calculations Order

Whenever the system calculates a quote, whether initiated manually or automatically, it follows a sequence of validations and calculations.  This sequence can affect the results of settings within the master cover, and should be taken into account during configuration.

  1. Data Validations and Warnings:  Checks the information on the current page against any Data Validation and Warning rules.
  2. Attach Insurer:  The insurer selection rules are checked, and an insurer is selected for the submission.
  3. Calculate Premium:  All premiums are calculated according to the values in the submission.
  4. Calculate Taxes/Fees:  All appropriate taxes and fees are calculated against the final premium.  If the tax or fee uses a driver field instead of the default rate, the system will recalculate any calculated fields required for the driver field.
  5. Calculate Commissions:  The distributor commission is calculated from the final premium.
  6. Select Limits, Deductibles, and Insuring Conditions:  All limits, deductibles, and insuring conditions  are selected according to the appropriate settings.
  7. Quote Validations:  Checks any quote validation rules to determine if the quote itself is valid.
  8. Referral and Compliance Validations:  Checks any validation rules that may require the submission to go into referral.
  9. Calculated Fields:  All calculated fields in the submission are recalculated.

This list should be used to ensure that no validations, conditions, triggers, or calculations depend on values that are only updated later in the sequence.  In such an event, old data may be used and the quote could contain invalid information.